Lutherans look like people around the world. They are! They represent the world's largest Protestant group. The 58 million Lutherans can be found on every continent. They worship in hundreds of languages.In the United States, there are about 9 million Lutherans.
Lutherans build their lives on Jesus Christ. They believe that Jesus Christ is the only, perfect, Son of God. They believe that Jesus died for them and for every person in the world. And Lutherans believe that Jesus rose from the dead and lives for them and for all people who believe in him as their Savior.
Jesus brings people close to God. Lutherans believe their lives today, tomorrow and in eternity depend on Jesus.
Lutherans live with a sure hope of eternal life because of Jesus Christ. They know they're not perfect, that they stumble and fall in their daily walk with God. But they also know that their forgiveness has been won and paid for by Jesus Christ and when they repent and seek forgiveness, God will forgive them because of Jesus.
And, they want to tell others about that hope!
Lutherans hold beliefs that are shared by many Christians:
Lutherans proudly display the sign of the cross, a symbol used by all Christians. The cross symbolizes the terrible death that Jesus suffered as punishment for their sins. Some Lutherans prefer to use a cross that is empty -- with no body on it. They see the empty cross as a symbol of Jesus' victory over sin and death.
Lutherans take their name from Martin Luther. He was a German priest who broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1500s. Luther's writings and teachings sparked the Protestant (from "protest") Reformation (from "reform").
Through his study of the Bible, Luther helped the Christian Church rediscover the truth that God is loving and that he offers forgiveness and eternal life as a free gift because of Jesus Christ.
Luther taught that people -- no matter how hard they try -- cannot earn God's forgiveness or a place in heaven. It is a gift that people receive through faith in Jesus Christ.
Lutherans often refers to three "solas" (Latin for "alone") as a summary of the faith that gives them hope:
Lutherans talk about Law and Gospel. The Bible gives the Law, showing God's expectation of people and the terrible consequences for not following his commands. But the Bible also reveals the Gospel -- the "good news" of God's love and forgiveness.
Lutherans have other distinctive beliefs:
Please join us for worship and Bible studies.
The following Bible readings will tell you more about the "good news":