


Adult Information Class
The Adult Information Class (AIC) is a 15-week course on the basic teachings of Christianity given by Rev. Ernie Lassen from Messiah Lutheran Church in Seattle, WA.


Faith Lutheran Church on Vimeo

Faith Lutheran Church in Capistrano Beach, California, is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). All of our sermons, Bible studies, and lectures are available to stream or download for personal use or as a congregation or Bible study group.


Worldview Everlasting

Ears to Hear, Eyes to See
“What did you dream? It’s alright, we told you what to dream.” – Pink Floyd.

The insidious pollution of today’s culture and technology seeps into our every pore, filling our lungs, fogging up our thinking processes, distorting our eyesight. And we don’t even notice.

In 2010, Pastor Jonathan Fisk created Worldview Everlasting (WE) to blast through the choking smoke of false gospels and Christian fads with the sweet oxygen of the God-breathed Good News of Christ. For you.Proclaiming the rescuing work of Christ and Him crucified for the forgiveness of sins to the murky, hopeless corners of the internet, WE leads this generation to the safe house of Holy Scripture, the Lutheran Confessions, and the nearest orthodox Church rightly distributing Christ’s gifts in Word and Sacrament.

100TH ANNIVERSARY VIDEO - For the 100th Anniversary International Lutheran Hour Ministry video, go to: a series of videos telling about Lutheran Hour Ministries. Start the first one and others will follow automatically.  A great history and great mission outreach.
