

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Our mission is vigorously to make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches, communities and the world.

Lutheran Catechism
Through this website, the Editor hopes to stir inclination, focus, encouragement, incentive, morale, knowledge, examples, demonstrations, and resources to: restore the Small Catechism to active use by more parents in the home, provide ideas and resources for pastoral catechesis, and provide assistance to teachers in Sunday school, vacation Bible school, Bible camps, and other teaching ministries.

Higher Things
The mission of Higher Things® is to assist parents, congregations, and pastors in cultivating, encouraging and promoting a distinctively Lutheran identity among their youth and young adults.


The Brothers of St. John the Steadfast
This blog educates and informs laymen so that they might ably confess and defend the faith.

Sisters of Katie Luther
Our goal is to foster an environment of comfort and encouragement in confessional theology, spiritual growth, and education in the history of the church that is tailored to the needs of women.

The Jagged Word
The Jagged Word was born out of a general distrust of bureaucracy and an unreasonable desire to make pietists uncomfortable. Other groups that offer insight and commentary on the church and our world seem to default to positions driven by fear that limits our conversation and participation. The academics fear the institutes of higher learning that employ them, driving their honest conversations behind closed doors. Our pastors fear reprisals from the various subgroups with which they’ve aligned themselves (contemporary, traditional, missional, confessional, etc.); they fear being alone and therefore toe the party line. In opposition to all of this, The Jagged Word is focusing on the freedom found in Christ crucified for us. Our concern isn’t with toeing the line or satisfying those locked away in the ivory towers. We are only interested in the proclamation of freedom in Christ alone. So whether we are discussing generational distinctions or political positions or church fellowship matters, the end we drive toward and from which we are given the strength to begin, is a Word that kills and makes alive.

Pastoral Meanderings
Pastor Larry A. Peters has been a Lutheran Pastor for more than 36 years, serving in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and the Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Clarksville, TN. He posts insights into our culture and our church body.

Surburg's Blog
Pastor Surburg has published articles in the Concordia Journal, Concordia Theological Quarterly and on the website of Logia: A Journal of Lutheran Theology.  He served as a consulting scholar for Concordia Publishing House's Lutheran Study Bible and has written for Concordia Pulpit Resources. Pastor Surburg is the District Life Coordinator for the Southern Illinois District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.


Lutheran Witness
The flagship magazine of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, The Lutheran Witness is a monthly publication (11 issues per year) that offers Synod news, features, columns, Q&A's, and more.

Lutheran Woman's Quarterly
Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly magazine publishes articles that address contemporary issues from a biblical perspective and demonstrate how women put their Christian faith into action.

Lutherans Engage the World
In the new online version of Lutherans Engage the World, discover how you and your church, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, bear witness to the Gospel and care for our neighbor in need with the mercy of Christ. 

Portals of Prayer
Portals of Prayer has been a favorite of generations of readers, a timeless daily source of strength and comfort since 1937. Each daily devotion includes a Bible reading, meditation and prayer to apply to your daily life, published in multiple sizes and formats – pocket-size, large-print, digest-size and e-books – most convenient and usable for you.


KFUO (850 AM) is the longest continually operating Christian radio station in the United States. Owned and operated by The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

Lutheran Hour Ministries
LHM is a trusted expert in global media that equips and engages a vibrant volunteer base to passionately proclaim the Gospel to more than 51 million people worldwide each week. Through its North American headquarters and 34 ministry centers on six continents, LHM reaches into more than 50 countries, often bringing Christ to places where no other Christian evangelistic organizations are present. LHM's flagship ministry, The Lutheran Hour®, airs weekly on more than 1,600 radio stations and the American Forces Network.

Lutheran Public Radio
Lutheran Public Radio features the world's greatest choirs singing the best of the Church's music.

Issues, Etc.
Issues, Etc. is a live radio talk show with a two-fold mission. First, to defend and teach the truths rediscovered at the Lutheran Reformation: Grace, Faith, Scripture and Christ alone. Second, to challenge today’s relativistic culture with its unbiblical and illogical ideologies. LCMS pastor Todd Wilken hosts Issues, Etc. Guests include LCMS pastors, seminary and university professors.


The Gospel for those Broken by the Church - Rod Rosenbladt

Small Catechism Memory Cards - T. R. Halvorson

Worship Notes for Kids - Emma Squire

