
1908 was on January 1, 1908 that Pastor Michel of Trinity, Los Angeles, made the trip to the East Whittier home of Mr. and Mrs. Diedrich Kruse to baptize their infant son and also the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruse. Mr. and Mrs. Hie Nomann were present at this baptism and it was then that they offered the use of their East Whittier home on Michigan Ave. if Pastor Michel would conduct church services for the small flock of Lutheran families residing in the Whittier area. Pastor Michel agreed, and for the next five or six months services were held about every two weeks. Pastor Michel made the round trip to Whittier by street car for the of 35 cents and the Sunday collection which amount to around $1.50 was given to him for expenses.

Later, in 1908, Vicar Theo. Haeuser was assigned to serve Whittier Lutherans. Services moved to the Free Methodist Church, southwest corner of Wardman and Comstock. First Friends Church was built in 1887 by the Pickering Land & Water Company. It was located on the corner of Comstock Avenue and College (Wardman) Street at a cost of $1,600. It was the second building completed on the new townsite, the first being the Bailey House. The Whittier Free Methodist Church was organized May, 1901. Soon after organizing they purchased this building from the Friends who had built a larger church for themselves at Washington Avenue and Philadelphia Street. Photo taken 1/14/1902. Whittier Public Library Historical Photograph Collection CHU-039


Trinity Lutheran formally organized with five families comprising charter membership. German language was used at services now held in Odd Fellows Hall, northeast corner of Comstock and Philadelphia.


Joined with the Missouri Synod as the thirty-ninth congregation chartered in California; pastoral duties provided by The Rev. C. F. W. Sapper.

1911 first property and chapel from the Christian Science Church on Bailey Street, near Newlin Ave.; first Pastor, Theo Haeuser, formally installed by Jacob Kogler, Pastor of St. John's Orange, CA.





Purchased property including frame church and parsonage, northease corner of Pickering and Penn.


The Rev. Reno H. Jeske installed as Pastor. Trinity congregation numbered 57 members.


Constructed and dedicated first parish hall on Penn Street just east of Pickering.


Completed construction of parsonage on Pickering Avenue just north of Penn St.


Opened Christian Day School, grades 1 through 8. Mr. Marvin Stegeman called as principal; 16 pupils enrolled.


Acquired additional property on Pickering Ave. adjacent to parsonage for second grade room; Miss Amelia Storandt engaged to teach the lower grades.


Trinity's long assocation with Lutheran Braille Workers, Inc. starts with Work Center #3.


Purchased 4-plus acres, Floral Avenue property.


Dedicated three room school building at Floral Avenue and relocated the school operation in September of 1950 - teaching staff numbered 3.


Installed Mr. Albert Grauer as principal; called Mr. John Hoffmann as teacher.


Dedicated second room school building at Floral Avenue location; called Mr. George Martinek as teacher.


Installed Mr. Edwin Hollmann as Principal of Christian Day School


Installed Mr. William Borchers as called teacher and music director.


The Rev. Luther P. J. Steiner installed as Pastor after serving as assistant pastor. Pastor Jeske resigns.


The Rev. Robert W. Wolter installed as Pastor.


Sold Pickering and Penn property; held last service in the old church on Reformation Day; all services relocated to present parish hall.


Installed Mr. James T. Bode as principal of Christian Day School.


Dedicated present church building; congregation now numbers 600 members.


Trinity uses Synod's Vicar Program for 5 years. Those serving were: Don Luhring, James Kontak, John Jurik, Warren Tyler, and Neil Bockelmann.


Mr. Bode accepts call to St. John's, Orange, CA. Installed Mr. Everett Seboldt as principal of Christian Day School, and Mr. Dale Burgdorf as called teacher.


Pastor Wolter accepts call to Good Shepherd, Yucaipa in February. The Reb. Harold Tietjen serves as interim pastor.


Robert Schroeder is installed as pastor on September 17, 1978.


Dedication of new Handbells, gift from the Ladies Aid, to be used for Handbell Choir.


The Rev. Dr. Oswald Waech installed on September 5th as Assisting Pastor. A groundbreaking ceremony is held for expansion of school facilities.


Dedication of new school facility.


Groundbreaking for the new Fireside Room and church offices held on September 18th. Also, a special service was held to dedicate the new 15 rank, two manual, electro-mechanical action organ built by the Harris Organ Col, Whittier, CA. A few components from the original 1929 Reuter organ were retained in the new one.


Fireside Room dedication.


October 1st, a major 5.9 earthquake strikes the Whittier area and the church is declared unsafe to hold worship services.


After worshiping in the Parish Hall for 5 months, the church building is rededicated after repair and renovation is completed. Pastor Waech moves to Rancho Cucamonga to serve Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.


Dino Tumbuan joines staff as part-time Assisting Pastor.


The position of Assisting Pastor is discontinued. Trinity and Faith congregations unite in calling for a Director of Youth Ministry to serve in the newly formed Whittier Area Lutheran Fellowship (W.A.L.Y.F.).


Deaconess Julie Hilligoss is installed as Youth Director.


Deaconess Juile Hilligoss resigns her position as Youth Director.


Trinity Lutheran School celebrates its 50th anniversary.


Rev. Robert Schroeder accepts a call to Grace Lutheran Church in Visalia, California. Ryan Reithmeier accepts position as Trinity's Music Director.


Phil Gaylor, D. C. E. takes a call to Mt. Calvary, Diamond Bar, California.


Heather Reithmeier accepts position Youth Director. Rev. Robert Claiborne serves as Trinity's Interim Pastor through 2006. Dennis Jacobson is called to be Principal at Trinity's School.


Rev. Jeffrey Springer is installed as pastor on July 11, 2006.


Ryan and Heather Reithmeier resign their positions to further their education. Nancy Springer accepts Music Director position.


Rev. Jeffrey Springer resigns his call due to health reasons.


Rev. Mark Brighton serves as Interim Pastor through 2015.


Rev. Herbert M. Percy, Jr. is installed as pastor on August 16, 2015. Dennis Jacobson accepts a call to Christ Lutheran Church and School, Palos Verdes, California. Sharon Rivera serves as Interim Pincipal.


Trinity Lutheran School closes after 73 years.


