It started with fear and hope, then followed joy and reunion.  1945 brought great change to the world and the families of Trinity. 

1/28/1945  "A letter from Irving Schuerman S2/c, Memphis, Tenn., informs us that he will soon enter upon two weeks of radar training, which will be followed by six weeks of gunnery training.  'Say hello to the young people of the church.'  He has met fine young Lutherans at Trinity Lutheran Church in Memphis."

"A note from one of our Lutheran chaplains in the Pacific informs us that Milton Mueller attended a Communion service there."

2/4/1945  "Mr. Wray has been reported a prisoner in Germany.  Bob Schoff was wounded in action..."


4/1/1945  "Betrothed:  2Lt. Thomas Thomsen and Betty Winkelmann.  May they enter upon life's companionship blessed by Him who instituted marriage."

4/15/1945  "Wanted:  A portable Victrola, or similar instrument, for our Penn St. schoolroom.  Miss Storandt desires to use it as a means of teaching music in her room."

5/8/1945  VICTORY IN EUROPE!  At long last a special V-E Service! 


5/20/1945  "We have heard that Franz Kruse is on his way home.  Roy Urich, a prisoner of war in Europe, has  been liberated and is returning; Leland Larson landed in San Francisco last Tuesday after many months in the Pacific.  We have thought of Thy loving-kindness, O Lord!  May it please our Heavenly Father to bring our other boys home soon."

5/27/1945  "Lt. F. Kruse arrived home from Africa Friday...Sgt. M. Wray has been liberated from a European prison camp..."

8/5/1945    "Dale Wold has been returned from Italy and is now at Palm Springs at a government hospital recovering from wounds received in battle.  May God bless all efforts toward his complete recovery!"

9/2/1945    "Oge Thomsen has returned safely from Europe.  We are grateful to God for his safe return. We are grateful also for Le Roy (Jim) Schlegelmilch's safe return from the Pacific theater of war.  He is now in Texas awaiting further orders.  Oge will remain home awhile and then go to South Carolina."

9/2/1945      VICTORY IN JAPAN!  Surrender paper were signed this day.

9/16/1945   "We have been informed that George Walton landed in San Francisco last Friday.  He was on one of the ships which escorted General MacArthur to Tokyo recently." 


11/11/1945  "Our Thanksgiving Day service will be held, God willing, on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, at 10:15 A.M.  This year, perhaps more than ever before in our life, we have reason to give thanks.  Every member of our congregation should be present at this service."


12/2/1945    "Our Junior Leaguers have resolved to gather usable clothing and canned goods for the European sufferers.  Our Ladies Aid will assist them."


 9/23/1945    "Engaged:  Oge Thomsen and Joyce Winkelmann..."

12/16/1945  "Born:  A boy to Mr. & Mrs. Putnam, last Monday morning."   (Erwin & Edna Putnam and sons Gene and Dale would be members of Trinity until the deaths of Erwin & Edna within days of each other in 1997.)

-Pauline Hiles, Spring 2013